Animal Crossing Friend Code Exchange 2017

Animal Crossing Wild World Friend Code Exchange for Online-Play malekmaroc7, Apr 9, 2017, in forum: NDS - Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Replies.

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp: How To Find Your Friend Code

The more recent entries in the Animal Crossing series have allowed players to visit the towns of their friends, and that is no different with the new release of Pocket Camp. You’ll need your friend code to exchange with your friend in order to be able to do this, and this guide will show you how.


You can begin the process by going to the “more” option that is located at the bottom corner of the screen, and then select the “friends” option from the menu. You then need to select the “Add Friend” option followed by the “Share Your ID” option. Once you’ve done this, you will see that your 11-digit friend code is on the screen, which you’ll want to copy.

ExchangeWhat is my animal crossing friend code

Animal Crossing Friends Code

Now that you have your friend code, you can then have your friend add the friend code by having them select the “Enter an ID” option that is just below the “Share Your ID” option. Once you’ve accepted each other’s friendship, you can then navigate to your Friends list and select the player to visit their campsite.

What Is My Animal Crossing Friend Code

This should tell you everything you need to know in order to find your friend code in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, so get started handing out your friend code and check out your friends’ campsites!